Archive for 'DNA'

How DNA was Discovered

In 1928 a scientist that performed an experiement involving mice and pneumonia; one type was deadly and toxic and the other was not.. He injected the toxic pneumonia to one mouse and the mouse died; he then administered the pneumonia that was not deadly to the other mouse and the mouse continued to live. This […]

Biological Functions of DNA

Deoxyribonucleic acid or as most know it, DNA, is how genetic material is passed in humans and most other life forms. Most of a human?s DNA is in the cell nucleus and contains the same DNA. DNA is developed from four bases. The bases are adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). The […]

Uses of DNA in technology

There is small scanner available to security agents that could identity a person’s DNA under an hour and be more useful and suitable in criminal cases than eyewitness reports or other non technological methods of identification possible suspects in a crime. That is the newest use of DNA technology and it is making a lot […]

Chemical Modification of DNA

Cells modulate a gene’s expression level using a method which involves bonding a methyl group (-CH3) chemically with residues of cytosine in a gene?s DNA or alternatively within the regulatory its surrounding regions. The diminished expression of a gene has been bearing a reciprocal or mutual relation with Cytosine methylation. However, actively transcribed genes have […]

DNA Interactions with proteins

New cancer research looking for answers in DNA interactions with proteins are isolating those proteins that bind with DNA. Looking for the physiological part played by the proteins who interact or bind with DNA requires isolating the nearness and type of protein that is binding with the body’s DNA. When a DNA protein is isolated, […]